Universal sea containers by "ISRZ" PJSC
Manufactured under the requirements of the following standards:
- ISO 668: 1995 Series freight containers 1. Classification, dimensions, and ratings
- ISO 1161:1984 Series 1 freight containers - Corner fittings - Specification
- ІСО 1496-1: 1990 Вантажні контейнери серії 1. Технічні вимоги та випробування.
- ISO 1496-1:1990 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes
- ISO 6346: 1995 Freight containers. Coding, identification, and marking.
- Customs Convention on Containers, 1972 (CCC).
- International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 (CSC).
- Rules for the manufacture of containers. Register of Shipping, 2016
- Rules for the approval of containers to the transport of goods under customs seals. Register, 2009
- Rules for technical supervision over the manufacture of containers, 2016
The container's overall and connecting dimensions correspond to the dimensions established by ISO 1496-1 / 1991, ISO 668/1995, ISO 1161/1984. The container is designed taking into account the requirements of operational and maintenance manufacturability. The container has an all-welded steel frame, corrugated sheathing of walls, roofs, doors, roof cross-beams for the roof's rigidity and strength. Flooring is made of 3 mm sheet steel or 27 mm thick multilayer waterproof plywood and equipped with a double-leaf end door with elastic sealing.
The container is manufactured in the "M" (moderate) climate version, placement category 1 under the GOST 15150-69, and is designed for operation at temperatures from -40 'to + 50'C.